Sergey Barbotko

SUMMARY Over 20 years of experience in architecture, database design, object-oriented design and development of software applications on a variety of technologies including Microsoft .NET, SOA, WCF. Experience in architecture and development of scalable high quality distributed object-oriented and service-oriented (SOA) software systems with adoption of variety of software development processes including the Unified Process (UP, RUP). Having deep hand-on experience throughout life cycle activities allows for smooth software development process where potential problems are identified and fixed long before they become problems.
Worked on technical part of proposals and validated feasibility and profitability of proposed solutions, worked on business development. Remedied yellow and red projects.

Architecture: Scalable distributed service-oriented architecture, SOA Governance, Enterprise Design Patterns.

Object Oriented Design: OOD using Design patterns, Unified Process, CASE and modeling tools.

Application Programming: Desktop and client-server applications, distributed web applications (SOA), component programming, software development methods, scientific calculations.

Databases: Database design and programming, normalization, query optimization in MS SQL Server 2005, Oracle, Interbase. Experience with Btrieve, FoxPro, dBase, PC/Focus, MS Access.

System Programming: Knowledge of operating systems (Unix, Windows NT, DOS) including processes (child processes), threads (multithread applications), inter-processes and inter-threads interaction and synchronization, memory management, file and input/output systems, services.

Languages/Technologies:.NET 4, C#, ASP.NET MVC, C/C++ (Visual C++, C++ Builder), Delphi, Pascal, XML Web Services, WSDL, ADO.NET, ASP, Visual Basic.NET, MS Enterprise Library, Visual Basic 6, JavaScript, VBScript, SQL, Fortran, assembler (i386), COM/DCOM, HTTP, FTP. Familiar with Java, Kelix.

Other Tools/OS: Windows, Linux, Sybase PowerDesigner (Data Architect), IBM Rational tools (Rational Rose), Crystal Reports, Visual SourceSafe (different views for distributed development teams), Novel Netware.


Lead Application Developer/Solution Architect, Progressive Insurance, Enterprise Architecture, Colorado Springs, CO | 2006 - Present

Senior Technical Manager, Limelight Technologies, Fort Collins, CO and Cheyenne, WY, USA | 1999 - 2006

IT Consultant, Office of Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan | 1999

Information System Manager/Data Processing, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), External Resources Management Division, Dushanbe, Tajikistan| 1996 - 1999

Lead Software Engineer, Commercial Industrial Construction OrienBank, Dushanbe, Tajikistan| 1993 - 1996

Engineer/Programmer, Motor-transport Depot of Trade Ministry, Dushanbe, Tajikistan | 1992 ? 1993

Engineer/Programmer, State Statistic Committee of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Tajikistan| 1992


Progressive Casualty Insurance Enterprise Integration and Security Currently working on claims-based security design and implementation as well as integration patterns (Client, SOAP and WCF extensions, token based security for RESTful and WCF services; BizTalk).
As Solution Architect worked on Developers Onboarding (Package 4), Harley Davidson and eFulfillment improvements projects (proposed enhancements based on ESB and MSMQ, balancing control). Led a team of developers on numerous enhancement projects for online quoting application (F2, F3, FQ, MPQ, Claims applications, distributed ASP.NET applications (C#, ASP.NET, Web Services, MS SQL).
Unified Quoting Framework
Designed and built a prototype (C#, WCF, Linq to XML, AJAX, .NET Framework 3.5, ASP.NET MVC) of a new Unified Quoting Framework based on distributed architecture with extremely light presentation layer that allowed for full reuse of Business Service Layer by HTML and Flash-based user interfaces (XAML/Silverlight as future option). Used Dependency Injection pattern and lambda expressions, instead of reflection, for mapping type properties to dynamic list and for embedding dynamic rules. Worked on intelligent self-guided workflow component. Worked on metadata designer and Visual Studio integration packages for XML-based domain specific language (intellisense, colorization, references). Evaluated new technologies (C# 3.0, .Net 3.5, WCF, WF, WF Rules, ASP.NET MVC, Linq, Silverlight, Spring.Net, MS ObjectBuilder).

Led a team of developers on numerous enhancement projects for online quoting (built on current proprietary XML based Thin Client Architecture (TCA) framework), claims and other distributed ASP.NET applications (C#, ASP.NET, Web Services, MS SQL). Developed training materials and performed training for a team.

Georgia State Department of Human Resources, Newborn Surveillance and Tracking System (NSTS)
NSTS integrated five public health programs in state of Georgia as well as Vital Records, Newborn Blood Spot Screening programs and major birth hospitals into Common Child Health Profile record for tracking and follow-up on children from birth till 7 years of age. Architectured, designed and led implementation of a proprietary core framework with integrated program specific assemblies. Application was based on distributed service-oriented architecture and used webMethods middleware for external interfaces, XML Web Services and MS Enterprise Library. Designed database and object model. Developed proof of concept, best practices, web user components and object-to-relational (O/R) mapping (C#, ASP.NET, XML Web Services, MS SQL Server, Visual SourceSafe, Enterprise Design Patterns). Integrated probabilistic record matching and geo-coding software. Prepared architecture and design documents based on RUP templates. Separated business functionality into multiple assemblies and setup different views of solution in SourceSafe with sharing only common classes and components in order to decrease resources locking issue for three distributed development teams.

Wyoming Department of Employment, Unemployment Insurance Modernization
Developed phased migration strategy from IBM mainframe to SOA based system. Defined SOA Governance framework for support of life cycle of services and their reusability. Prepared recommendations for business processes optimization and improving software development processes by adoption of RUP and Rational Suite.

Deere & Company, John Deere Office System
Worked on Object oriented design for database access layer (DLL, Visual C++, MS SQL, ODBC) using Design patterns and implementation of classes. Implemented messaging system between objects, transaction log and rollback stack in memory, reference integrity and filtering in memory (RDBMS in memory), created dll interface and release builds. Worked on data upload component (ATL COM) using XML for HTTP data transfer. Developed encryption component for improved security for transferring XML messages via Internet.

Washington State Department of Health, Cholinesterase Monitoring Data System (CMDS)
CMDS provided Washington State Department of Health's (DOH) Office of Epidemiology an ability to monitor farm workers and send alerts of excessive pesticides exposure. Designed database and application, implemented import interface, integrated probabilistic record matching software (VB.NET, MS SQL Server).

Record Matching Software Evaluation Performed an evaluation of several record matching solutions using real data such as Cancer Registry and Vital Records. Netrics Search Server showed best results in finding data errors on client production data (C#, MS SQL Server, Access).

Electronic Laboratory Reporting [ELR] Worked on web services for integrated NET-centric Public Health Reporting of Electronic Data (PHRED) solution powered by Microsoft BizTalk Server 2004. The application receives notifiable condition reports electronically from over 300 clinical laboratories and hospitals then redistributes the data to the responsible public health organizations.

Early Hearing Loss Detection, Diagnosis, and Intervention (EHDDI) Tracking and Surveillance System
EHDDI is a client/server application developed using Microsoft Windows DNA architecture using Visual Basic andCOM components connected via ADO and stored procedures to a SQL Server 7.0 database. Designed the database (Power Designer, MS SQL), forms layout and performed client/server programming.

Wyoming Department of Health, Wyoming Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI)
Database Design, forms layout, client/server programming (phase 1, C#, MS SQL Server) and web development (phase 2, C#, ASP.NET). Developed class library and new components.

Wyoming Department of Fire Prevention, Training Database Project
Developed system design and was a technical lead. Migrated old database from PC/Focus.

Arkansas Department of Health, Arkansas Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) and Common Client Data Warehouse Integration
The application provides table level security features, administrator controls to add and modify users to the system, follow-up action modules, MS Word document letter generation, and report writers. Designed Database, led implementation, integrated with client's Common Client Directory in real time.

Washington State Military Department, Contract Management System (CMS)
Technical Lead. Database Design (Power Designer, MS SQL) and System Design, developed best practice and object-oriented library of reusable code, security, performance and interaction between databases, developed Web Forms using Visual Studio .NET (ASP.NET, VB.NET). Application improved contract creation, review and management. Integrated with legacy mainframe accounting system.

Wyoming Tribune Eagle, Archives Project
Created searchable (free form search with relevancy sorting, proprietary indexing) archive of all articles. Developed desktop (administration) and web clients. Search functionality was written on T-SQL in order to improve performance and decrease network traffic.

Soos Creek Water & Sewer District, Web Based Utility Billing E-Commerce System
Converted the client's legacy system to a modernized Web-based system that allowed customers to look up their account status and pay their utility bills via a credit card online. The application interfaced with CyberCash using SSL for credit card processing and was implemented using ASP/ASP.NET, JavaScript, Delphi, VB 6.0, COM+, C#, T-SQL and SQL Server 2000. Developed COM using Delphi.

Front Range Business Ventures, GOmanage Application
GOmanage is a .NET Web-based application that tracks and manages real-time project tasks and activities, meeting times, agendas, attendees and associated action items, and action item details, due dates, and owners. Designed database (Power Designer, MS SQL), developed Web Forms and reports using Visual Studio .NET (ASP.NET, VB.NET) and Crystal Reports, worked on data upload.

Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, Pension Benefits System
Reviewed design and changed development policy for this red project. Improved communication within development team. System was completed with minimal delay.

VantagePoint Network, Cash Grains System
Database Modeler/System Programmer (NT Service, COM, FTP.) Provided a system analysis, defined the technical requirements, created the system design (N-Tier architecture) produced a hardware requirements assessment, and provided comprehensive design of the data layer, business logic and component layer. Developed a configurable NT Service (Agent), which provided interface between two separate systems on daily basis via the Internet. Responsible for security, design and implementation of the admin Web-based module.

CropVerifeye System
Main objective of project was to track a complete production chain for organic products. Developed system requirements and business logic in collaboration with the client. Created component model and site diagram for the presentation layer. Applied recursion for production chain to database, component and user design that allowed creation of very flexible application reducing number of COM objects, ASP pages and stored procedures on Oracle Database server. Optimized design resulted in a reduction of project development time by month and an increase in the system's quality and reliability.

eFarm System Developed a flexible and scalable database and system design (VB 6, Oracle).

Illinois State Board of Education, E-Grants System As Technical Lead co-developed the interactive proposal submission and evaluation module to manage the technology grants submitted to the State. The Web-based modules interact with the SQL Server database. After implementation the client reported a 60% improvement in the efficiency of the grant writing process. Developed the database and System design and best practices for COM and ASP programming.

Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) , LINKS Learning
The LINKS Learning Web site is an education based Web portal that Limelight Technologies developed for the State of Washington Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) for the education community. The site is rich in content and offers a great deal of interactive resources such as video, audio narration, flash movies etc. Reading LINKS and SuperMath are companion pieces to the Website consisting of 17 interactive CD-ROMs.
Re-architectured red project and cut development time of one CD from 3 months to 2 weeks, change orders from days to minutes. Developed site generation tool, separating content from navigation. Tool generated three levels navigation with integrated content. Output files were plain html, which allowed publishing web site on CD.


Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA | 1999. Courses: Object Oriented Design, Operating Systems, Software Development Methods, Algorithms and Data Structures

Tajik State University, Dushanbe, Tajikistan | 1991 ? 1996
Degree: Physicist, Docent, M.S. Physics. Diploma with Honor
Publication: Barbotko, S. Y., Korovina V. M. "Quantitative criteria of volume of influence of resonant intermolecular interactions on contour shape of electronic absorption bars of condensed materials." International Scientific Conference, Dushanbe, Tajikistan | December 19, 1996

Microsoft Training:
Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) and Silverlight
SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
Reporting Services
Mastering MFC Development Using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0,
Mastering COM Development Using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0,
Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0

Borland Training
Creation of Client-Server applications with Borland Delphi and InterBase

Microsoft Certified Professional, Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

Brainbench Certification, | 1999 ? 2001, Certificates: C Programmer, C++ Programmer, Delphi Programmer, FORTRAN 77, Java 1, MS SQL Server 7 Programming, OO Concepts, RDBMS Developer, Unix Programmer, Written English